LydiaThe Plight of the Sojourner I stand outside humming Cameroonian airport. There is a sort of frenzied chaos in the air. Around me, people are bustling with excitement...
LydiaPlaces of the Past Four years ago, I stepped on a plane bound for the US of A and bid farewell to "my" beloved Cameroon. I miss it every single day... I...
LydiaHome: Where in the World is it? I've come to realize that home doesn't have to be tied to one place...
LydiaSo What's a Third Culture Kid Anyways? A Third Culture Kid* My mom loves plants. When we lived in Cameroon, everywhere you looked in our yard there were splashes of vibrant...
LydiaThis Road We Travel Sometimes in Cameroon, when we’d drive on a dirt road, my dad would pull over and all of us kids would get out and climb onto the luggage...